JRC SciArt News
Haunted water workshop by Nonhuman Nonsense at Gallery im Turm, Berlin on September 7, 2023. Check out their stories about contaminated water!
On November 9, 2023 we met STANZA at the JRC to introduce our research to him and hear more about his work. Read more about how the discussion and Q&A went!
Catch up with Matina Halkia (one of the researcher/actresses) on how the performance of Feeling Science went down in Monte Carlo (MC) on the 20/10/2023, supported by JRC and the Italian Embassy in Monaco.
We have a new production update for Jemma Woolmore's, These Relations are Forever @ JRC Ispra 10/10/2023 - 13/10/2023.
Apply to take part in the Science, Technology and Innovation beyond Growth joint conference at the University of Vigo (June 2024).
A blogpost about the researcher's experience of her ritual with Jemma Woolmore for their NaturArchy project.
Feeling Science Workbook and Script published on the JRC Publications Repository.
Feeling Science, the theatre and science initiative kick-started by JRC SciArt in 2021 in collaboration with the Parola di Donna festival in Varese, returns with a performance at the Théâtre des Variétés in Monte-Carlo (MC) on the 20/10/2023, supported by JRC and the Italian Embassy in Monaco.
Synocene team organises Citizen engagement workshop in Glengarriff Harbour and Natura 2000 site.
JRC SciArt joins the Leonardo LASER network as a host for future interdisciplinary, community building talks.
Conference by the Material | Art | Science | Environment | Research group of Bath Spa University on Indigenous performing arts activism on water and climate issues.
Resonances IV artist Kristin Bergaust presenting on Oslofjord Ecologies and Ocean Connections @ "META FORUM Sci-art your life!" in Timisoara (RO).
Towards a Science-engaged Society: How to Create Radical Change Together. Check out the Jury statement and winners of the European Union Prize for Citizen Science 2023.
Jemma Woolmore returned to the JRC Ispra between 03/08/2023 - 09/08/2023 to move forward with the production of her artwork.
Resonances III artist Alexander Peterhaensel representing JRC SciArt and the European Union at the Bihar Museum in occasion of their exhibition, Together We Art for the upcoming G20
Documentary of the solo exhibition by former JRC artist-in-residence, Siobhan McDonald.
JRC Report by artists Sonja Stummerer and Martin Hablesreiter.
Considering plants and the question of extinction by Janise Yntema
Help Nonhuman Nonsense collect stories of Haunted Waters!
Here's an update & summary of our NaturArchy residencies.
Some pics from us, to you, to enjoy throughout the summer months!
Resonances IV artist Penelope Cain showing part of her NaturArchy research @ SACO Biennal
JRC SciArt @ Biobehavioral Arts & Culture for Health, Sustainability & Social Cohesion conference
Track proposal by JRC SciArt featured @ Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2023
Gala Berger @ JRC Ispra for two weeks !
Penelope Cain @ EU Green Week 2023
Ingrid Mayrhofer Hufnagl & Sofia Greaves @ Resilienze Summer School
Jemma Woolmore @ re:publica festival
Athena Latocha @ JRC Ispra for two weeks !
Margherita Pevere BACK in residence @ JRC Ispra
Penelope Cain BACK in residence @ JRC Ispra
Resident artist Kristin Bergaust BACK @ JRC Ispra.
Screening of Feeling Science and panel with Naouma Kourti.
Claus Schöning BACK in residence @ JRC Brussels
Artist Ingrid Mayrhofer Hufnagl in residence @ JRC Ispra
Jemma Woolmore in residence BACK @ JRC Ispra
Exhibition of a "work in progress" installation of Ocean Connections by Kristin Bergaust & Guillermo García-Sánchez.
Participating to the ISEA Symposium on the theme of Symbiosis
Nonhuman Nonsense BACK in residence @ JRC Ispra.
Dr. Sofia Greaves researching on art and science for postgrowth
Ingrid Ogensted, Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl, Jonah Lynch & Jaime Gomez Ramirez @ JRC Brussels
Yiannis Kranidiotis in residence @ JRC Ispra
ArtScience on Depression Mechanisms, Mental Health & the Environment
Catch up on what's been happening so far during the NaturArchy residency period!
JRC SciArt welcomes Visiting Scientist, Dr. Sofia Greaves to give an introduction to her work and research
Margherita Pevere in residence @ JRC Ispra
Claus Schöning in residence @ JRC Brussels
JD Whitman in residence @ JRC Ispra